Your Reflection

When you look at yourself in the mirror, what thoughts come to your head? What do you see? Are you happy with the way you are, or do you beat yourself up because you don't measure up to the expectations you and the world have for you? Are you taking care of yourself? Or are you suffering just to get a certain body? People not being happy with what stares back at them in the mirror is common, but I want to know why we obsess over something that is already perfect just the way it is.
 The other day I was on Instagram, and I came across a quote that said something along the lines of this, "When you call yourself ugly, you're calling God's creation ugly." That hit me hard. I started thinking of all of the times I offended God by saying bad things about what He has made. He makes everything perfect. That means my body is perfect just the way it is. And so is yours. Appearance doesn't even matter to God anyway! All that matters to Him is what is on the inside. We need to fix our priorities and worry about our relationship with the Lord, how we are treating others, and the things in our hearts instead of putting all of our time and effort into looking a certain way on the outside.
 I've been doing this devotional that I think goes perfectly with this topic. It's about using your time productively for the Kingdom of the Lord. All the time we spend getting dressed, doing our hair and our makeup, looking in the mirror, trying to loose weight, and tracking our calories, we could be using to improve what's on the inside. And I'm not saying you shouldn't look nice and feel good about yourself, but I think it has become obsessive and consumes our minds so that it is all we think about- what everyone else thinks of us. So we try our best to fit in and look as pretty as her. And we want everyone to like us. Where are our priorities if this is what matters to us?
 The thing is, there is so much more to life. God has a journey planned out for each and every one of us! I don't know about you, but I want to enjoy mine! Of course there will be times when you mess up, and you have to set your priorities straight again, but I think all of this is something you should think about. How you use what I have written is up to you, but just know there is a God who thought up every single detail of your life, and you. You matter so much to Him, and all you need to worry about is pleasing Him. You are perfect just the way you are. Nothing you could ever do could change His love for you. Nothing you have ever done has changed it. You are you, and that's what makes you special.


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