15+ Acts of Self Care you Should Incorporate into Your Routine, Plus How to Make Time for Yourself!

 Life can be so busy and stressful. There's so much you need to do, and not enough time to do it. You can't juggle everything that has to get done plus worry about taking care of yourself. But you are so important. You're always pouring so much of yourself out to others, and you need to be a priority in your life too! I know it can be hard to make time for yourself, so in this blog post I am going to be giving you guys tips and 15+ acts of self care you should incorporate into your self care routine!

 Okay! Let's get into the tips on making that time for yourself. 

 My first tip is to schedule out your day the night before. I do this every single night, and trust me, it is a lifesaver! If you're not a super organized person or planner like I am, I still recommend trying this. Every night before you go to bed, sit down and write out your whole day. Everything you need to do, everywhere you need to be, and everything you want to do. This is the time to really think about what you love. What brings you joy? What relaxes you? I have 7 acts of self care below to give you some ideas if you have trouble coming up with them.
 Another benefit to doing this, other than relieving stress you would have the next day trying to remember everything that needs to be done, is clearing and emptying your mind. Once you finish planning out your day, you can go to sleep peacefully, knowing that everything you need to do is in your planner. This has made a very big difference in my life, especially because I tend to be a very forgetful person. So try it out! I encourage you to grab a planner or notebook, sit down tonight, and plan out your day for tomorrow!

 My next tip is to look at your schedule, and make time for yourself. Put "Me time" somewhere in your day, at least once a week. So, for example, you could have your "Me time" every Wednesday at 8:00 p.m. Whenever it is that you decide to have that time, make it convenient for yourself so you aren't stressing when you're trying to take care of yourself. During this time you can do anything. This is the time to do the things that you came up with from the last tip. (Or you can use the ideas I provided for you down below.) Whatever it is you decide to do, enjoy it. Relax. Don't think about anything accept for what you are doing in the present moment!

 And, my last tip for you guys is to realize that self care is not selfish! You deserve time for yourself. You matter. You need to fill yourself up before you can pour yourself out. You need to rest in order to have energy to get things done. You need to take care of yourself so you can take care of other people. That's just how it goes! So don't feel selfish girl! You deserve it. You're worth it!

 Now that you know how to make time for yourself, I am going to give you guys some ideas of things you can do in that time! (I highly recommend changing into your comfiest clothes before doing these things or anything on your own list!)
  • Go on a walk
  • Listen to a podcast
  • Do Facemasks
  • Take a nice relaxing bath
  • Take a hot shower
  • Listen to your favorite songs
  • Journal
  • Take time to practice your hobbies
  • Make your favorite meal or dessert
  • Cuddle up in blankets and watch your favorite show or movie
  • Have a cup of hot tea
  • Drink water
  • Watch the sunrise or sunset
  • Do a workout
  • Do yoga or stretch 
  • Learn how to do something you've always wanted to do!
  • Read a book
  • Spend time with God
  • Pursue the things you are passionate about

 So there you have it! Those are all of my tips and ideas on self care! Please leave any tips or suggestions you may have in the comments to help each other out! Enjoy your "Me time"!


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