Hearts over numbers.
Social media. It was created to connect people, and to provide a creative outlet. Now, it seems we've got it all twisted. Numbers. We like the numbers. We spend hours trying to take the 'perfect' picture, edit it until we hide all of our flaws, and post it on our account. But no, it doesn't stop there. We check our notifications over and over again, desperate to feel loved in some way. We use countless hashtags, in hopes enough people would see our pictures. If not, we delete our once treasured photo, which is now the complete opposite of 'treasure' to us. Our worth, we're seeing it the wrong way. It shouldn't depend on the number of likes you get in one day.
You see, we are loved beyond measure. We were bought with a price. All thanks to the blood of Jesus Christ. Social media was never supposed to bring us down. It is supposed to lift us up!
I think all of the platforms that have been created are wonderful opportunities to spread the light of Jesus. To shine love and kindness through our screens. At every moment of the day, someone, somewhere, is scrolling through Instagram, or watching a YouTube video. Wouldn't it be amazing if they came across your page and felt something deeper than the pain of comparison? What if they felt happiness and joy?! Love and kindness?! What if you are the first one to make them feel special and cared for, rather than just another who made them feel worthless?
The truth is, we are not and cannot be perfect. We aren't worthy of the suffering Jesus faced to bring us the gift of life. No, my friend. It's not about us. We are because He is. Let's stop pretending that we have everything together! I know it may seem like a picture that displays 'real life' would end up doing worse than one that looks 'perfect' to the eye, but that doesn't matter. What matters are the hearts. Hearts over numbers.
I want you to know that you matter. You really do. God loves you and the other 7,764,258,477 people living on this earth. Equally.
Jesus didn't look at the numbers. He had tons of people weighing Him down with hurtful words and wishes. He kept His focus on the millions of people He would save the second He died on that cross. And look how many have accepted that sacrifice that was made for them!
Don't give up, even when it seems like you are reaching no one. If only one person sees your picture, and it changes their life forever, those numbers don't matter. What happens within the hearts of whoever may stumble across your content is the real reward. Where will those numbers take you, anyway?
Nowhere compared to the plans God has for your life.
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