5 Things You Should Do to Be More Productive This Summer!
Everyone is getting out of school for the summer, and it can be hard to be productive without that familiar daily routine. Most people just want to relax at home all day, which is totally understandable, (and you should take some rest time by the way!), but the reality is, there's still things that need to be done. So, today I am writing about how you can be productive this summer!
The first thing I want to talk about is making the most out of your time. Think about your tasks that need to be accomplished for the day, and make a list where you arrange them from the ones that use the least amount of brain power to the ones that use the most. You can use this list to determine how to make the most out of your day and get everything done that you need to. This may vary for everyone, but I find that not right when I wake up, but about an hour after, I feel the most productive. Sometimes I also feel very productive in the evenings. So evaluate how you feel throughout the day, and then you will know which things to get done at certain times. For example, Since I feel most productive in the morning, I would do things like write a blog post, work on a new song I am writing, make a YouTube video, or workout at that time. Then, later in the day I would do things like take Instagram pictures, or stretch. If I was feeling productive in the evening, I would clean up my room, do laundry, reply to comments and emails, or send out DMs. So I encourage you to plan out what times of the day you will be getting certain tasks accomplished. Down below I have an idea of how you could do that while staying super organized!
Next, I would highly recommend that you write a to-do list everyday. Whether that's before you go to bed the night before, or when you wake up in the morning, it can really help you be more productive. Doing this clears your mind, and also shows you everything that needs to be done so you aren't scrambling around trying to remember.
This next tip probably sounds really obvious, but it is so true, and not many people do it! Drinking water consistently throughout the day helps so much when it comes to being productive. It may sound like a lot, but you should be drinking half of your body weight in ounces of water on a normal basis, and then even more if you are outside all day, you exercise, or do something that takes more energy and can result in dehydration. Water is so good for you, and has countless benefits. Some of the main ones are: It improves your mood, increases brain power and provides energy, boots your immune system, improves your complexion, flushes toxins out of your body, and so much more!!! So if you want to be more productive, water will definitely help with that, and your overall health!
You've probably experienced a time where you just tried to fit too much into one day before. If you have, you know how stressful days like those are! So, my next tip is to space things out. I get that sometimes you just have to fit everything into one day, but really try to only do the things that you absolutely need to do each day. When you are planning, I recommend putting stars, or any symbol that will remind you of how important something is, next to the things you need to get done first, or are of higher priority. This way you know that those other things on your list can wait, and save you a whole lot of stress.
Okay, my final tip for you guys is to rest! It is so important to make yourself a priority each and every week. When you are always super busy getting lots of things done, you can loose sight of your health, both physically and mentally. You can forget to take care of yourself! So, make sure you take a day off. Make sure you aren't doing too much for yourself to handle. Check in with yourself. See how you're doing! To read more about how to make time for yourself, click here.
Alright beautiful people! Those are all of my tips to help you be more productive. I really hope this helps you out, and don't forget to have fun on your summer break!
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